Tutoriel Fabriquer sa Lessive maison
©Mayenne Tourisme
Make your ownlaundry washing liquid

Make your own washing liquid

Making your own washing liquid with healthy and natural ingredients is ecological and fast.

Preparation: 30 min

Difficulty: ★✩✩✩✩

  • A litre of water
  • 20 g of black soap
  • A level tablespoon of soda crystals
  • A few drops of essential oils (mint, lemon, lavender …)
  • A whisk
  • A grater
  • Two tablespoons
  • Scales
  • A salad bowl
  • A glass bottle with stopper
  • Kettle
  • A measuring cup
  • A funnel



Alice Halley - atelier fabriquer ses produits cosmétiques - le comptoir - pre en pailAlice Halley - atelier fabriquer ses produits cosmétiques - le comptoir - pre en pail
©Alice Halley - atelier fabriquer ses produits cosmétiques - le comptoir - pre en pail

Tip n°1: Shake well before using

Tip n°2: Use one small cup of washing liquid per wash

Tip n°3: For a dazzling white laundry, add a tablespoon of percarbonate of soda or a little white vinegar directly to the laundry.
