
Local brewers

Discovering our craft beers

A tour of Mayenne

The vogue for craft beer is sweeping over France, and Mayenne is no exception. The Valleys of Mayenne have seen the birth of a whole generation of new microbreweries making craft beers and special brews to discover and enjoy.

Meeting these young brewers is an opportunity for an alternative tour of Mayenne.

Portraits of the brewers

To discover a local beer, what better way to listen to the brewers tell you about their work, background, and manufacturing secrets, before tasting the finished product.

Coming from all walks of life, often self-taught, all have a passion for sharing their creations with new enthusiasts. Committed to local development, they buy local ingredients, usually organic, and also sell on the local market.

New flavours

  • At the Montflours brewery (Brasserie associative de Montflours), Cédric produces a beer with lots of body and aromas of grain.
  • Clément, from the Brasserie Cousin brewery (Pré-en-Pail) already has eighteen beers in his catalogue.
  • At the Brasserie de l’Oudon (in Méral), Bernadette, a certified brewery operator, produces beers with malty, fruity and floral notes, using barley grown by her husband on their farm.
  • At l’Arborescence (Saint-Georges Buttavent), Jean-François and his farmer friends brew delicious beers, including l’Envolée, an immersive experience in a wheat field.
  • At Guibs Beer (Cigné) you can drink local, country-style beers.

V and B, Mayenne brewers

V and B (Vins et Bières) is a brand found in many larger towns and cities in France.

Both a bar and a wine cellar for wines, beers and spirits, this franchise has nearly 200 stores around the country. The adventure began in 2001 in Château-Gontier sur Mayenne, where the company has its headquarters. It has just fitted out a high-level brewing room to produce the first craft beers of a range that is set to expand.

V and B is “always in discovery” according to its motto, and has expanded into entertainment, with its first music festival taking place in September 2019, on the magnificent racecourse of Craon.

bar à vin le vin'yle à Laval Cp Pascal Beltrami Mayenne Tourisme 1920px
©bar à vin le vin'yle à Laval

Did you know…

The wine shops, grocery stores and bars of the towns of the Mayenne region have discovered quality of this ranges of local products, brewed with originality and talent.

They will be delighted to introduce you to them!

Always drink with moderation

Jacques B.

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